Friday, 6 May 2011

38 Degrees | Don't Scrap Environment Laws

My Comment added to the petition website 6th May 2011:

"I strongly support protection for wildlife and the environment. Without such rules and regulations the more mercenary, selfish, greedy, self-serving, mammon-worshipping, materialistic, uncaring, ignorant, ethically bereft, low EQ/SQ, young souls, foolish, morally deficient, weak, desireful, all these types and many more, would ruthlessly run rampant across the country and the World with little care, concern, compassion or understanding of the part the planet and all her children play in co-operation and symbiotic relation, selfishly seeking instead personal profit and personal gain.

The Kingdom of Souls, the Human Kingdom itself, and our younger bothers the Animal and Plant Kingdoms all co-occupy and co-evolve upon Mother Earth ie Gaia-Sophia-Sandalphon. Humanity, the Planetary Brain-Mind, must master its emotional nature. The Animal Kingdom is almost purely emotional in nature. The nature of our relation to the Animal and Plant Kingdoms, even the Mineral Kingdom, are reflected in their bahaviour toward ourselves.

The degree of peace and harmony within ourselves is reflected outwardly in the peace and harmony displayed throughout the world, but with necessary temporal and karmic delay. We must act and wait and be patient and trust. The behaviour of these lower 3 Kingdoms is a reflection of the degree of collective mastery of our emotional nature, or rather our current lack in the absence of such protective legislation."

Love, Light & Laughter